CHICAGO, Illinois (Reuters) -- Playing video games appears to help surgeons with skills that truly count: how well they operate using a precise technique, a study said Monday. There was a strong correlation between video game skills and a surgeon's capabilities performing laparoscopic surgery in the study published in the February issue of Archives of Surgery. Laparoscopy and related surgeries involve manipulating instruments through a small incision or body opening where the surgeon's movements are guided by watching a television screen. Video game skills translated into higher scores on a day-and-half-long surgical skills test, and the correlation was much higher than the surgeon's length of training or prior experience in laparoscopic surgery, the study said.
Out of 33 surgeons from Beth Israel Medical Center in New York that participated in the study, the nine doctors who had at some point played video games at least three hours per week made 37 percent fewer errors, performed 27 percent faster, and scored 42 percent better in the test of surgical skills than the 15 surgeons who had never played video games before.
"It was surprising that past commercial video game play was such a strong predictor of advanced surgical skills," said Iowa State University psychology professor Douglas Gentile, one of the study's authors. It supports previous research that video games can improve "fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, visual attention, depth perception and computer competency," the study said.
"It was surprising that past commercial video game play was such a strong predictor of advanced surgical skills," said Iowa State University psychology professor Douglas Gentile, one of the study's authors. It supports previous research that video games can improve "fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, visual attention, depth perception and computer competency," the study said.
"Video games may be a practical teaching tool to help train surgeons," senior author Dr. James Rosser of Beth Israel said. While surgeons may benefit from playing video games, the study did not give parents a pass if their children play the games for hours on end. A 2004 survey by Gentile found 94 percent of adolescents play video games for an average of nine hours a week. Game-playing has been linked to aggressiveness, poor school grades and can become a substitute for exercise.
"Parents should not see this study as beneficial if their child is playing video games for over an hour a day," Gentile said. "Spending that much time playing video games is not going to help their child's chances of getting into medical school."
Mata Kurang Awas? Segera Main Game!
By Muhammad Firman
VIVAnews - Keuntungan bermain game ternyata dapat dirasakan oleh pilot pesawat tempur hingga orang yang menderita amblyopia, atau mereka yang salah satu indra matanya tidak sebaik mata lainnya. Dari penelitian, kemampuan visual bisa ditingkatkan dengan memainkan game tertentu.
Dari penelitian, ternyata game yang baru-baru ini dirilis yakni Call of Duty: BlackOps dan Halo: Reach lolos persyaratan sebagai game yang sangat bermanfaat untuk mata.
“Game penuh aksi dapat meningkatkan kemampuan visual, khususnya perhatian terhadap obyek tertentu yang dapat membantuk seseorang untuk gokus terhadap informasi visual terkait,” kata Bjorn Hubert-Wallander, seorang peneliti WIREs Cognitive Science, seperti dikutip dari Bright Side of News, 22 November 2010.
Perhatian visual, kata Wallander, sangat penting untuk mencegah kelebihan beban sensor, karena otak terus menerus dihadapkan dengan informasi visual secara berlebihan.
Sebenarnya manusia sudah memiliki kemampuan untuk mengabaikan input yang tidak relevan. Contohnya informasi pemandangan saat mengemudikan kendaraan, atau wajah-wajah yang tak dikenal saat mata melakukan pencarian terhadap teman di sekumpulan orang banyak.
“Perhatian visual merupakan mekanisme yang memungkinkan orang memilih informasi visual yang relevan dan menyingkirkan informasi yang tidak dibutuhkan,” kata Wallander. “Meningkatkan kemampuan ini dapat bermanfaat di bidang pelatihan militer, pendidikan, dan beberapa hal lain terkait masalah visual,” ucapnya.
Pada penelitian, ilmuwan mengumpulkan sekelompok relawan untuk melakukan hal-hal terkait perhatian visual. Hasilnya, para relawan yang merupakan gamer selalu berhasil menjalankan tugasnya secara lebih baik dibanding mereka yang tidak bermain game.
Meski demikian, tidak semua video game bisa bermanfaat. Hanya game yang membutuhkan respon cepat terhadap informasi visual di saat penggunanya harus membagi perhatian lah yang mampu meningkatkan perhatian visual.
“Game yang cepat dan penuh aksi sangat berpotensi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan partisipan,” kata Wallander. “Game-game ini mengharuskan pemainnya membidik dan menembak secara akurat di layar sambil terus menerus melacak musuh lain pada objek yang bergerak cepat,” ucapnya.
Sebelumnya, penelitian serupa juga membuktikan bahwa memainkan game first person shooter seperti Unreal Tournament 2004 dan Call of Duty 2 lebih bermanfaat untuk mata dibandingkan dengan The Sims 2.
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